Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Itsa Dogs Life

Verse 1:
I wanna hop in the bed at any hour I want and sleep
I don’t want nobody to kiss my ass but me
I wanna ride in the car with my head out the window
I wanna be able to just get up in the morning and go

Wouldn’t have to be on time
Wouldn’t have to exercise
Wouldn’t have to stay in line
Speak my mind
I could pretty much do whatever I want

Itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa paradise
Itsa, itsa, itsa dog’s life

Verse 2:
I wanna eat anything that I wanna eat
Where my only worry is the cat across the street
I wouldn’t have to get cleaned up or go to school or work
In fact my only needs are food and water and some love if I get hurt

Wouldn’t have to be on time
Wouldn’t have to exercise
Wouldn’t have to stay in line
Speak my mind
I could pretty much do whatever I want

Itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa paradise
Itsa, itsa, itsa dog’s life

Verse 3:
I wouldn’t have any expenses
And I would have heightened senses
Wouldn’t have to make decisions
And I could trust my intuitions
I wouldn’t have to live with guilt
And I would live by my own free will
I couldn’t ever make a mistake
My hardest job would be the command to “shake”

I wouldn’t have to be on time
I wouldn’t have to exercise
I wouldn’t have to stay in line
Speak my mind
I could pretty much do whatever I want

Itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa paradise
Itsa, itsa, itsa dog’s life

Itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa dog’s life
Itsa, itsa paradise
Itsa, itsa, itsa dog’s life

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